How to Get Started
Although each case is different, we find that we can be most helpful to you if you talk to one of our attorneys before you discuss the specific terms of your divorce with your spouse. We will help you understand and evaluate your options. If you’re unsure about whether divorce is the right option for you, click here for our thoughts on some things to consider.
If you and your spouse have not already agreed to divorce, we can coach you about how to introduce the topic to your spouse, avoiding mistakes that people often make when they try to discuss divorce without guidance. You want to give yourself the best opportunity to make this difficult transition in a way that is least harmful to your family.
We suggest these steps:
- Spend some time looking at our website to educate yourself about divorce and divorce process options.
- Gather whatever information is available using the forms we provide so we can better understand your situation. At this point in the process, very few have all the information they will eventually need to complete their divorce, so don’t worry if there are blanks. We will help you gather the necessary information.
- Call The Law Offices of Jennifer Tull at 512-472-1919 and schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.
- Fill out and return our on-line intake form.
If you and your spouse are already separated, or if you feel you need to discuss divorce with your spouse before we meet, please click here for ideas about talking to your spouse about divorce.
If you have children, how you convey to them the fact that you will be divorced can have a big effect on how well the children make the transition from living in one household to living in two households. Click here for ideas about how to talk to your children about divorce.
If you are well into discussions with your spouse about the details of your divorce, click here for tips about how to negotiate with your spouse.
All clients, no matter how ready they are to be divorced, find the divorce process to be stressful. Click here for our suggestions on ways to manage stress and maintain your sanity during this difficult time.